Palais des Nations in Geneva
Palais des Nations in Geneva
United Nations Palace is located in the north-east of Geneva in a large area of parkland around the lake descend on archeological collection of buildings built with light-colored marble.
This region, which now enjoys judicial status outside the territorial limits and have the rights of financial and postal formerly part of the garden Ariana, which was a legacy of the Geneva through Riveleod in 1890 and in 1929, the city handed over the region to the League of Nations, which was held compete architecture in order to design centers new leadership .
More modern and trendy designs have been put forward by Le Corbusier and Janeryt as well as Meyer but was rejected and the check fails, and instead was chosen clumsy design was handed over by an international group of architects.
Buildings existed between 1929 and 1937 and the League of Nations had been available since 1936 in order to navigate the main center to the Palais des Nations, the new United, who took power formally in 1938 under the chairmanship of the Aga Khan in 1940 stopped the League of Nations for the work after the exclusion of the Soviet Union, which no longer after that an effective international instrument which faded completely in 1946 in order to give the place of the United Nations which have their headquarters in New York City but has been established major European centers in the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

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